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雷圣宾 教 授

【来源: | 发布日期:2018-05-16 】

















3. 个人简介


Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Nano Lett.,Adv. Mater.,ACSNano,Nanoscale,Chem. Comm.,Chem. Eur. J.等杂志发表SCI收录论文120余篇,为Top. Curr. Chem., Chem. Soc. Rev., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nanoscale, Chem. Comm., CrystEngComm撰写综述六篇。

论文被引用4200余次,其中近五年来被引用2000余次。其中10篇论文单篇引用超过100次,第一作者论文单篇最高引用次数超过次。个人H因子34(http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-9089-2011)。获2005年度中国化学会青年化学奖,2009年获教育部新世纪优秀人才计划支持。J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Nanoscale, Chem. Eur. J., Chem. Comm., Langmuir, Polymer, Soft Matter, ChemPhysChem, Sci. China Chem.等杂志审稿人,比利时弗拉芒区基金(the research foundation Flanders)评阅人。《Transactions of Tianjin University》(即《天津大学学报(英文版)》)编委




2) 表面限域的动态共价化学



1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,21572157,席夫碱二维聚合物的表面反应制备及性质研究,2016.1-2019.12,65万,正在进行中,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,21373070,石墨烯-有机半导体界面结构及结构与性能关系,2014.1-2017.12,82万,已结题,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,21173061,固液界面多孔分子网格的功能化, 2012.1-2015.12,61万,已结题,主持。

4. 教育部新世纪优秀人才,2010.1-2012.12,50万,已结题,主持。

5. 教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金, 2013.1-2015.12,3.0万, 已结题,主持。

6. 校985领军学者与团队,2011.1-2012.12,32万,已结题,主持。

7. 校基础研究杰出人才培育计划,2011.1-2012.12,18万,已结题,主持。

8. 新型TiO2/石墨烯复合材料的制备及其催化机理研究,水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放课题,2011.7-2014.6,10万,已结题,主持。

9. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,50573089,导电高分子薄膜的结构与性能研究,2006.1-2008.12,26万,已结题,主持。

10. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(青年),20303023,多组分表面分子纳米结构构筑与表征,2004.1-2006.12,24万,已结题,主持。

11. 国家纳米中心协作实验室课题,蛋白质生物纳米传感器的研究,2004.7-2006.6, 50万,已结题,参加。

12. 中科院知识创新工程重大项目,2002CCA0310,《若干纳米器件的基础性研究》子课题:纳米结构的检测与表征,2001.1-2005.12,100万,已结题,参加。

13. 基金委面上项目,20073053,有机分子的可控吸附与组装的扫描探针显微研究,2001.1-2003.12,25万,已结题,参加。

14. 科技部973项目,G2000077501,973《创造新物质的分子工程学研究》子课题:单分子和纳米基元的结构研究,2000.9-2005.9,133万,已结题,参加。







1. Chunhua Liu, Eunsol Park, Jie Liu, Yanxia Yu, Yinghua Jin, Wei Zhang*, Shengbin Lei*, Wenping Hu, Surface-Confined Dynamic Covalent System Driven by Olefin Metathesis

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018,57(7), 1869-1873.

2. Chunhua Liu,Eunsol Park, Jie Liu, Yanxia Yu, Yinghua Jin, Wei Zhang*, Shengbin Lei*, Wenping Hu, Effective Separation of Arylenevinylene Macrocycles with a Surface Confined Two-Dimensional Imine Covalent Organic Framework,

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018,DOI: 10.1002/anie.201803937.

3. Chunhua Liu, Ling Yang, Yan Wang, Shengbin Lei*,Substrate effects in the supramolecular assembly of 2,4,6-tris(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,5-triazine on graphite and graphene

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018,10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02979.

4. Jiang Sun, Shengbin Lei, Guest-Induced Structural Transformation and Its Effect on the Redistribution of the Surface Confined Combinatorial Libraries

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b03215.

5. Yanxia Yu, Nerea Bilbao, Lander Verstraete, Shengbin Lei*, and Steven De Feyter,* The impact of grafted surface defects on the on-surface Schiff-base chemistry at the solid-liquid interface

Chem. Commun. 2018,Submitted.

6. Zongxia Guo,* Ping Yu, Kai Sun, Shengbin Lei, Yuanping Yi and Zhibo Li*, Role of halogenhalogen interactions in the 2D crystallization of n-semiconductors at the liquid–solid interface

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 19(47), 31540-31544.

7. Yumin Chen, Ke Deng*, Shengbin Lei, Rong Yang, Tong Li, Yuantong Gu, Yanlian Yang*, Xiaohui Qiu*, Chen Wang, Single-molecule Insights into Surface-mediated Homochirality in Hierarchical Peptide Assembly

Nature Comm., 2018, accepted.


8. Yanxia Yu, Chunhua Liu, Jiang Sun, Shengbin Lei*, DynamicCovalentChemistry ofImine Polymers at Liquid/solid Interfaces Investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

RSC Advances, 2017,7, 11496 - 11502.

9. Jiang Sun,Yanxia Yu, Chunhua Liu, Shengbin Lei*,Surface- and Guest-Promoted Product Selection from a Dynamic Covalent Library: A Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Study

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017,121, 3437-3444.

10. Yanxia Yu, Ya li Zheng,Shengbin Lei*, From a Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Network to One-Dimensional Covalent Polymer at the Liquid/Solid Interface: Insight into the Role of the Stoichiometric Ratio of the Precursors

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017,121 (1), 593-599.


11. Chunhua Liu, Wei Zhang, Qingdao Zeng, Shengbin Lei*,A PhotoresponsiveTwo-Dimensional CovalentOrganicFramework: Surface-Confined Synthesis, Isomerization and Controlled Guest Capture and Release

Chem. Eur. J. 2016,22, 6768-6773.

12. Lirong Xu, Yanxia Yu, Jianbin Lin, Xin Zhou,* Wei Quan Tian,Damian Nieckarz, Pawel Szabelski,*Shengbin Lei,*On-Surface Synthesis of Two-dimensional Imine Polymers with Tunable Band Gap: a Combined STM, DFT and Monte Carlo Investigation

Nanoscale,2016,8, 8568 - 8574.

13. Yanxia Yu, Jianbin Lin, Yan Wang, Qingdao Zeng, Shengbin Lei,* Room Temperature On-Surface Synthesis of Crystalline Two-Dimensional Imine Polymers at the Solid/Liquid Interface: Concentration Takes Control

Chem. Comm.,2016,52, 6609-6612.

14. Jiang Sun, Xin Zhou* and Shengbin Lei*, Host-Guest Architectures with a Surface Confined Imine Covalent Organic Framework as Two-Dimensional Host Networks

Chem. Comm., 2016,52, 8691-8694.

15. Yanxia Yu, Ling Yang,*Chunhua Liu, Wei-Quan Tian,Yan Wang,* Shengbin Lei*, Hierarchical Construction of Cross-Junction of Molecular Wires with Covalent and Noncovalent Interactions at the Liquid/Solid Interface

Chem. Comm., 2016, 52, 8317-8320.

16. Chunhua Liu, Yanxia Yu,Wei Zhang, Qingdao Zeng,Shengbin Lei*,Room Temperature Synthesis of Covalent Organic Frameworkswith Boronic Ester Linkage at the Liquid/Solid interface

Chem. Eur. J, 2016,22, 18412-18418.

17. Jia Zhang, Chao Zhao, Na Liu, Huanxi Zhang, Jingjing Liu, Yong Qing Fu, Bin Guo, Zhenlong Wang*, Shengbin Lei, PingAn Hu*, Tunable electronic properties of graphene through controlling bonding configurations of doped nitrogen atoms

Scientific Reports, 2016,6, 28330.


18. Lirong Xu, Lili Cao, Zongxia Guo, Zeqi Zha,Shengbin Lei*,Side-Functionalized Two-Dimensional Polymers Synthesized via On-Surface Schiff-Base Coupling

Chem. Comm.,2015,51, 8664 - 8667.

19. Xiu-Ling Sun, Li-Xia Fan, Yong-Jing Yang, Zongxia Guo*, Wei Quan Tian, Shengbin Lei*,Synthesis of One Dimensional Schiff Base Polymers Containing Oligothiophene Building Block on the Graphite Surface

Chem. -Eur J., 2015, 21, 6898-6905.

20. Xiuling Sun, Lixia Fan, Xin Zhou*, Wei Quan Tian, Zongxia Guo*, Zhibo Li,Xiaokang Li,Shengbin Lei*, SurfaceConfinedSynthesis of Porphyrin ContainingTwo-Dimensional Polymers: the Effect of Rigidity and Preferential Adsorption of Building Blocks

Chem. Comm., 2015,51, 5864-5867.

21. Xin Zhou, Longtao Jiang, Shengbin Lei*, Wei Quan Tian*, Gaohui Wu*,Micro-mechanism in Self-lubrication of TiB2/Al Composite

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 12688−12694.

22. Zeqi Zha, Lirong Xu, Zhikui Wang, Qinmin Pan,Shengbin Lei*, 3D Graphene Functionalized by Covalent Organic Framework Thin Film as Capacitive Electrode in Alkaline Media

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015,7 (32), pp 17837–17843.

23. Yanxia Yu, Jiang Sun, Shengbin Lei*,Surface Confined Synthesis of One-DimensionalSchiff Base PolymersInvestigated byScanning Tunneling Microscopy

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119,16777–16784.

24. Yanqiu Jiang, Zongxia Guo, Shengbin Lei*,The Assembling of Poly (3-Octyl-Thiophene) on CVD Grown Single Layer Graphene

Scientific Reports, 2015,5, 17720; doi: 10.1038/srep17720.

25. Junyan Zhu, Zeyuan Dong*, Shengbin Lei, Lili Cao, Bing Yang, Wenfang Li, Yuanchao Zhang, Junqiu Liu*, and Jiacong Shen,Design of Aromatic Helical Polymers for STM Visualization : Imaging of Single and Double Helices with a Pattern of p –p Stacking

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2015, 54(10), 3097-3101.


26. Lirong Xu, Xin Zhou, Wei Quan Tian, Teng Gao, Yan Feng Zhang, Shengbin Lei,* and Zhong Fan Liu,Surface Confined Single Layer Covalent Organic Framework on Single Layer Graphene Grown on Copper Foil

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2014, 53(36), 9564-9568.

27. Xiuling Sun, Youbing Mu, Jia Zhang, Xiaona Wang, Pingan Hu, Xiaobo Wan,* Zongxia Guo,* and Shengbin Lei*,Tuning Self-Assembly of Oligothiophenes on CVD Graphene: Effect of Functional Group, Solvent and Substrate

Chem. -Asian J., 2014, 9(7), 1888-1894.

28. Lili Cao, Lirong Xu, Dahui Zhao, Kazukuni Tahara, Yoshito Tobe, Steven De Feyter, Shengbin Lei*, Efficient Molecular Recognition Based on Nonspecific van der Waals Interaction at the Solid/Liquid Interface

Chem. Commun.2014, 50 (80), 11946-11949.

29. Min Li, Peng Xie, Ke Deng, Yan-Lian Yang, Sheng-Bin Lei, Zhong-Qing Wei,* Qing-Dao Zeng* and Chen Wang*, A dynamic study of the structural change in thebinary network in response to guest inclusion

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 8778-8782.

30. Kazukuni Tahara, Jinne Adisoejoso, Koji Inukai, Shengbin Lei, Aya Noguchi, Bing Li, Willem Vanderlinden, Steven De Feyter* and Yoshito Tobe*,Harnessing by a diacetylene unit: a molecular design for porous two-dimensional network formation at the liquid/solid interface

Chem. Commun.2014, 50,2831-2833.

31. Li Wang, Xingping Lu, Shengbin Lei and Yonghai Song*, Graphene-based polyaniline nanocomposites: preparation, properties and applications

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 4491-4509.

32. Liming Qin, Jie Zhao, Shengbin Lei, and Qinmin Pan*, A Smart “Strider” Can Float on Both Water and Oils,

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6, 21355-2136.


33. Lirong Xu, Xin Zhou, Yanxia Yu, Wei Quan Tian*, Jun Ma,Shengbin Lei*, Surface Confined Crystalline Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworksvia on Surface Schiff-Base Coupling

ACS nano, 2013, 9, 8066-8073.

34. Xiuling Sun, Jia Zhang, Xiaona Wang, Cuiyun Zhang, Pingan Hu,Youbing Mu, Xiaobo Wan, Zongxia Guo* andShengbin Lei*,“Oligothiophenes on CVDGrapheneGrown onMulti-crystallineCopperFoil: SupramolecularAssembling and Morphology Impact”

Chem. Commun.2013, 49, 10317-10319.

35. Lirong Xu, Liu Yang, Lili Cao, Tian Li, Shusen Chen, Dahui Zhao*,Shengbin Lei*, Jun Ma, “Effect of Bulky Substituent on the Self-Assembly and Mixing Behavior of Arylene Ethynylene Macrocycles at the Solid/Liquid Interface”

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 11748-11757.

36. Yong-Tao Shen, Ning-Bo Zhu, Xue-Mei Zhang,Shengbin Lei, Zhongqing Wei, Min Li,* Dahui Zhao,* Qing-Dao Zeng,* Chen Wang*,“Assemblies at the Liquid-Solid Interface: Chirality Expression from Molecular Conformers”

ChemPhysChem, 2013, 14, 92–95.

37. Xiaona Wang, Xiuling Sun, Ping An Hu,* Jia Zhang, Lifeng Wang, Wei Feng, Shengbin Lei, Bin Yang, and Wenwu Cao, Colorimetric Sensor Based on Self-Assembled Polydiacetylene/Graphene-Stacked Composite Film for Vapor-Phase Volatile Organic Compounds

Adv. Funct. Mater., 2013, 23, 6044-6050.